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Exam Proctoring

Taylor Community Library provides proctoring services for written and online examinations as a service to the community. Proctoring will be scheduled by appointment only, during regular library hours, and is subject to availability of proper staff and equipment. Library staff is not available to be with the student during the entire examination. After reading this policy, please fill out the online registration form below at least 2 weeks before the needed exam date.

Student responsibilities:

  • The student is responsible for having examinations, instructions, and any other paperwork sent to the library, and to confirm their arrival.
  • The entire exam time must be completed at least one hour before closing.
  • The student is responsible to verify that the proctoring conditions provided by the Library meet all the requirements of the institution administering the exam.
  • Students are not guaranteed private space/area for the exam.
  • The librarian will follow instructions provided for administration of the exam, including identity verification, time limits, login, and restrictions on personal belongings.
  • Students must supply materials necessary for examinations. Student can bring his/her own laptop for online examinations, or may use a Library computer, subject to the Library’s lnternet and Computer Use Policy. The Taylor Community Library supplies free wireless service within the building.
  • The student is responsible to know and provide the testing institution’s web address/contact information, and any login for the exam. The student must arrange for passwords to be delivered to the Library prior to the proctoring appointment.
  • Faxing, printing, copying, and scanning are available at the posted fees, payable at the time of the exam, and are not refunded by the library. Payment is by cash or check.
  • A pre-paid envelope must be provided to mail completed examinations and other paperwork to the testing institution. The examination will be collected with the Library’s mail the next business day after the examination is taken. The Library is unable to honor requests for special mail services.

Other Conditions

  • Regular library activities will take precedence over proctoring services.
  • Examinations may be cancelled or postponed if the testing materials are not received in time, require clarification, incur expense, or otherwise exceed the Library’s ability to comply with the institution’s requirements.
  • Staff cannot provide computer training for taking the examination.
  • Examinations received without advance notice, received but not taken, or taken without providing a prepaid envelope, will be shredded.
  • Library staff is not available to be with the student during the entire examination.
Exam Proctoring Form