What is the porch delivery service?
Porch Delivery is one of our Book It! services that we offer to library patrons who live in the city of Taylor. Patrons can contact the library and ask that their requested books be delivered directly to their home.
Why are volunteers needed?
We are recruiting adult volunteers to deliver library items to patrons who request this service.
What do volunteers need to do?
Volunteers will pick up prepackaged bags of library items from the library and deliver them to the porches of specific library patrons who reside within the city of Taylor.
How much time do volunteers need to devote to this service commitment?
Two hours. We are asking volunteers to commit to a 2-hour block of time, once a week. The time and day will be the same each week.
Will the library provide a car for volunteers to make deliveries?
No. Volunteers will need to use their personal vehicles to make deliveries.
Will volunteers need to come in contact with patrons?
No. All deliveries will be contactless. Volunteers will deliver items to patrons and leave them on their front porches or at the main entrance to their apartment buildings. Volunteers will not need to interact with library patrons or enter any buildings.
Will volunteers need to come in contact with library staff?
No. Volunteers will pull into the designated curbside parking spots at the library and call the library to let staff know they are there to make the deliveries. Library staff will bring out a bin with the items to be delivered and place it in the trunk of your car. Once deliveries are made, the volunteer will return the empty bin to the library and call staff to come out and pick the bin up from beside the return drop-box.
Will volunteers be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) during the current pandemic?
Yes. Volunteers will be provided with gloves and masks to use while making deliveries to library patrons.
Is there any monetary compensation for volunteers?
No. This is strictly voluntary and no compensation will be provided.
How do I sign up to volunteer for this service?
You can fill out our online application by visiting our library volunteer website. Please note that application approval is at the discretion of the library. Volunteers serve at will and can be discharged at any time without cause.